Zelda- Tears Of The Kingdom – Fire Temple Puzzle Guide

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Fire Temple Puzzle is what waits for you deep in the Chasm. A massive underground complex, it’s where you’ll conclude the main regional quest in Eldin/Goron City. Here’s our guide to help you complete the Fire Temple Puzzle in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.

How to complete the Fire Temple Puzzle in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

The Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Fire Temple Puzzle requires you to release five locks by hitting gongs with Yunobo’s Rolling Fireball ability. This can also be used to destroy large boulders that are blocking the tracks, or hit switches that will change the orientation of the rails.

Now, due to the sheer size and complexity of this area, we’ve focused solely on the main task at hand (even though there are a lot of chests, too). You can see the general locations of the locks on the map below.

1F gong/padlock

From the fast travel point, head to your left and cross the lava flows by using the Zonai Hydrants. Ride the cart and make sure that the arrow is pointing straight ahead.

At the stopover point, there’s a lower area with a breakable boulder. Use Yunobo’s Rolling Fireball on it to reveal the first gong.

2F gong/padlock

Continue along the tracks until you reach another stopover point. Turn around and have the arrow point to the right. This will let you ride the cart to the 2F junction.

Head to the left-hand side and switch the arrow. This will lower the rail, allowing the cart to cross the chasm. You’ll then see a gong behind a barrier. You’ll need to move the Zonai Hydrants so they make a continuous line of igneous rock platforms that you can cross.

5F gong/padlock

While still at the 2F lock area, look behind you at the opposite chasm. Hit the same switch as before to raise the tracks. Ride the cart to the top now, which will take you to the 3F junction.

Ignore the two switches near you for now. Instead, make your way to where the Construct is (near the shelves). To the right, you’ll see a couple of carts and another set of tracks that are broken. Attach a Rocket to the cart and have it point diagonally upward. This will give the cart a boost, sending you to the 4F section.

There, you’ll notice an opening in the ceiling. Use various blocks and ledges here to reach the top and ring the 5F gong.

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